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By February 1, 2024 February 9th, 2024 Newsletter

February is Veterinary Dental Health Month!

Dental Disease
By Drs Leigh & Bronwyn Chisholm

The most common type of dental disease that afflicts dogs and cats is periodontal disease. This is a condition in which the periodontium (the tissues supporting or within the teeth) become inflamed or infected. Periodontal disease affects 80% of dogs and cats over the age of 2 years, and is the most common problem affecting cats of all age groups. In its mildest form, periodontal disease is associated with gingivitis, or painful inflammation of the gums. In more severe cases, periodontal disease may manifest by the tartar extending down the root of the tooth until the tooth is loose, as tooth root abscesses, bone infection of the jaw, or as a pathologic (disease-induced) fracture of the jaw.

When a pet develops dental disease, increasing numbers of bacteria reside within the mouth and the oral tissues. These bacteria can enter the bloodstream and travel to other areas within the body, causing widespread side effects, both from the actions of the bacteria and from the body’s natural immune response against them. Three organs are especially susceptible to the spread of oral bacteria: the heart, the liver, and the kidneys. Infection is much easier to contain and treat when it is limited to the mouth, and becomes much more difficult to treat if it spreads to other major organs.

Can the systemic effects of dental disease be minimized?

The best way to minimize the systemic damage associated with dental disease is to proactively prevent and treat dental disease. Dental conditions should be addressed as early as possible, to minimize the risk of worsening and spread. There are two components to dental care: home care and veterinary dental care.

Home care consists of brushing your pet’s teeth daily, if possible, or feeding quality dental food (at Seasons, we recommend Hills TD as a wonderful, very effective and well-rounded diet). Oral rinses and certified dental chews are also wonderful add-ons to our pet’s dental health. All of the homecare options work best when the mouth is starting free from disease, and we are maintaining a healthy mouth. They will not be able to treat dental disease that is already established.

Veterinary dental care begins with a thorough oral exam. This allows the veterinarian to have a clear sense of what treatment plan is best for your pet, and provide an estimate for these recommendations. Next, a dental surgery follows, which for our patients, unlike in human dentistry, must be performed under general anesthesia. First, Dental radiographs (X-rays) are performed to evaluate the tooth roots and other tissues below the gumline. Most dental disease hides out of sight, so dental x-rays are essential to be able to fully assess and treat your pet’s specific oral needs. Next, the veterinarian performs a thorough dental exam, probing for pockets of infection, and assessing with the x-rays which teeth may need to be extracted. Tartar will be scaled off and all the teeth polished, just like when you go for a dental cleaning. The goal is a beautiful, healthy mouth, free of disease, where homecare can continue to maintain this health.

“Say cheese!” says Senna, one of our staff pets


Promotion valid from

Feb. 1st – Feb 29th, 2024

To access this promotion, we must have performed a dental exam within 3 months of booking your pet’s procedure (if we have not, then give us a call and we’ll get that initial exam booked in so you can take advantage of this promotion as well!). This allows us to:

  • Provide you with tailored estimates based on your pet’s current dental/oral health.
  • Book an appropriate time for your pet’s dental surgery procedure.


In order to ensure we have a full base-line of your pet’s health, New Patients will need a full exam to qualify for the promotion (regular charges apply to this exam).

  • Please note, 1 rescheduling will be permitted within the promotion, however, subsequent rescheduling will not have the promotion applied. *Our cancellation policy would apply to rescheduling if the cancellation was short-notice
  • Cannot be combined with other offers
  • Excludes medications

Congratulations to Cooper’s owner for winning last month’s Trivia Corner! We hope they enjoyed their treat, on us!

Want to be in on the monthly trivia? Please watch your mail for our printed newsletter that comes right to your home! Then, be the first to call with the right answer!

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