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November 2019 Newsletter

By November 1, 2019 January 31st, 2020 Cats, Dental Tips, Dogs, Newsletter

Peace of Mind Pet Prize Competition Winner!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Peace of Mind Pet Prize Competition! We had such a great time and appreciate all of the feedback we had from you. We had a lot of people enter and we are excited to announce that Ken Pawluk is our lucky prize winner!

The Peace of Mind Pet Prize Package contest is valued at over $1,000 and includes 6 months of free pet food from Hills Pet Nutrition, a 2019 Spring Check-up at Seasons Vet Clinic, 6 months of Heartworm and tick preventatives provided by Boehringer Ingelheim, a Complimentary Dental exam at Seasons Vet Clinic, and a 1-month free pet insurance policy from PetPlan. Congratulations Ken! Be sure to stay tuned to our Instagram (@seasonsvetclinic) and Facebook page for more fun and exciting giveaways and competitions!

Broken Teeth and the Knee Cap Rule

Dogs love to chew, and they are happy to chew objects that are hard enough to break their own teeth. A dog has a powerful bite: with their back molars, they can exert forces of 200-500 PSI (the average car tire has a pressure of approximately 35PSI). The tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body, harder than bone, and it has no flexibility. All it can do is stay intact or break. When a powerful jaw holding a hard, brittle tooth bites down on another hard object, broken teeth can result. The large upper carnassial teeth are most often broken, and if the tooth fracture exposes the pulp, there are only 2 treatment options: extract the broken tooth or do a root canal. Chew toys that break teeth include natural bones of any type, antlers and hard plastic toys. I learned the “Knee Cap Rule” from the Veterinary Dentist, Dr. Fraser Hale, “If you do not want to get hit in the knee cap with it, do not give it to your dog to chew it”. Save a tooth! Pick chew toys that have some flexibility!

Vaccine Abbreviations: What do They Mean?

Vaccines are an extremely common and important method of disease prevention in both humans and pets. Some of the vaccines for pets are combined together into a single shot with an abbreviated name, leaving many owners in the dark as to what exactly their beloved animals are being vaccinated against. To the right is a break down of these names for the most common vaccines given to dogs and cats. For more information about vaccines and these viruses, visit our pet health library on our website (

Pet Vaccines ChartOctober Newsletter Prize Winners!

Congratulations to Kona’s owners and Roxy’s owner on winning our October newsletter trivia prizes! We hope you enjoy your goodies!

Want to be in on the monthly trivia? Please watch your mail for our printed newsletter that comes right to your home! Then, be the first to call with the right answer! 

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