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February 2020 Newsletter

By February 1, 2020 Cats, Dogs, Newsletter

Thank you!

A huge thank you to everyone who made our 1 year anniversary so memorable! What a wonderful group of clients and pets we are lucky enough to be serving! Congratulations to Hank (left) and his owner on winning our Door Prize, and Puppy (left) and his owners for winning the Most Photogenic Pet Competition! Aren’t they both just adorable?!

Hank Seasons Vet Clinic Winner

Intestinal Worms in Dogs

There are two big families of worms that can infect dogs: Tapeworms and Roundworms. Tapeworms: Dogs usually get infected by scavenging dead animals or by catching prey such as bunnies or mice. Fleas can also be a source of infection for some tapeworms. Owners rarely notice tapeworm infections in adult dogs, though occasionally an infected dog will pass a disturbingly large worm and that does get everyone’s attention! Tapeworm infections do not typically cause the dog to be ill, however, if a person becomes infected by the tapeworm Echinococcus, serious or even fatal disease can result. Praziquantel and epsiprantel are the two most common medications that can be used to treat tapeworms. Your dog should be treated if they catch any rabbits or other prey, or eat any raw wild animal meat. If you do not know the last time your dog was dewormed, it is a good idea to have them treated.

Roundworms are the other major family of worms that infect dogs. These parasites shed eggs in the dog’s stool, which then becomes the source of infection for the next animal. Puppies are especially at risk because they are both easier to get infected and not able to handle an infection as well as an adult dog. Some roundworms are even passed from the mother dog to the puppy through the milk. This is why puppies should be dewormed several times (typically with each of their puppy vaccines). Most of the heartworm preventatives will also treat roundworms in dogs, but a separate dewormer for tapeworms should be done if there is any chance that your dog has consumed any raw wild meat.

Cats Quirks

  • Overweight cats that stop eating for any reason can release their fat reserves so quickly that it overwhelms their liver and they go into liver failure from hepatic lipidosis – literally fatty liver.
  • Cats lack the liver enzymes that metabolize Tylenol (acetaminophen) – so a dose that would be safe for a child or small dog is fatal for a cat.

A Warm Welcome to Arleigh!

Born and raised in Winnipeg, Arleigh has a strong love for all animals and recently adopted a Cocker Spaniel-Bichon Frise mix named Daisy who never wants to leave her side! She can’t wait for you to come into the clinic and meet you and your furry friends. 

January Trivia Winners!

Congratulations to our January newsletter prize winners! We hope Finn’s owners and Eleven’s owners enjoy their treats to IHop and Jugo Juice!

Want to be in on the monthly trivia? Please watch your mail for our printed newsletter that comes right to your home! Then, be the first to call with the right answer! 

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