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April 2020 Newsletter

By April 4, 2020 Cats, Dogs, Newsletter

The Clinic and COVID-19: We remain open with added Social Distancing Measures in Place

When I started writing this newsletter back in mid-March, COVID-19 was a distant disease. Then the world as we know it turned upside down. And here we are in quite the battle, with much of my life – and I am confident yours too, consumed with managing the everchanging situation and doing all we can to help protect our families, our staff, our clients and our Province – and balancing this with helping all our beloved pets receive the care and attention they need

1) Appointments: We continue to remain open, although we are offering solely Drop-Off appointments. Although our doors remain locked, our clinic hours are largely unchanged at this time, and we would ask that you simply call us if you arrive at the clinic and need our assistance. For all appointments, we ask that you call ahead to book. Once you arrive at the clinic, please remain in your vehicle and phone us that you have arrived. We will come out to your vehicle and retrieve your pet. We have set up an exam table at the windows in our waiting room, and for most of our patients, it works well to do the exam right there where you can see them from your vehicle. Through facetime/ video calls or simply having you on speakerphone, you will remain a crucial part of these appointments, and we can discuss treatment plans, estimates and goals together. Payment will then be collected via phone/e-transfer before we conclude the appointment by bringing your pet and any products or medications back to your vehicle.

2) Food/medication orders & Prescription refills: We ask that you call in advance to request your items, we will set the items aside for you, collect payment via phone, and when you arrive to pick them up, please call us and we will bring them out to you at your vehicle. We can also arrange to have medication couriered directly to your home if you prefer.


Despite the chilly March we have had, tick season began on April 1st! So if you have not picked up your tick preventatives for the season yet, please give us a call and we will gladly help you come up with a plan for your pet. These preventatives are key to protect against 1) Lyme Disease, 2) Ehrlichiosis, 3) Anaplasma. We are still offering our Spring promo until May 31st: Purchase a Snap 4DX test (checks for the above tick-borne diseases and Heartworm disease – $67.95+tax) + 6 months of preventatives, and we waive the exam fee. ORDER PREVENTATIVES HERE! 

Print or Electronic??

Would you prefer to receive the monthly Seasons Newsletter electronically? Just send us an email to seasonsvetclinic@gmail. com, or give us a call, and we will make sure you receive the eversion instead!

Pets and COVID-19:

At this time, it appears that our beloved pets cannot contract COVID-19. Dogs and cats have their own Coronaviruses which we are unable to contract, and they are not able to become ill from COVID19 either. If you would like to stay current on any new findings in this area, check out our Pet Health Library on our website, and type in COVID.

Trivia Corner:

For the time being, we will be cancelling our Trivia Corner to support everyone’s efforts of Social Distancing. Hopefully, before long it will be back in action! Thank you to all of you who are also working hard to slow the spread of COVID-19. I know it can be odd to change our life to benefit someone else, often someone we won’t even know, but we are in this together, and every little thing each of us does can add up to a lot. So keep trying hard, and know we are working together!

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